
SMS/MMS For Animal Organizations

You can instantly alert your supporters, donors, and volunteers about new initiatives and activities that your organization is working on. SMS & MMS keeps your nonprofit relevant and at the forefront of the minds of everyone who signs up to receive your messages.


Remember that text messaging has proven itself to be the most effective form of communication and marketing. With 97% of texts being opened and 95% opened within 3 minutes. Text also has a 209% higher response rate than phone, email, or Facebook. 


You need to get people excited about the good your organization does for the community. SMS for nonprofits can help you do just that. Cut through the noise with SMS and MMS. Get supporters to respond or take action so you can accomplish your goals. With your text messaging, you will:


  • Engage followers to become active, opt-in supporters.
  • Deliver timely content that engages and inspires
  • Share your mission story more effectively.
  • Show your success stories through MMS pictures

Together, we’ll help you communicate instantly with your supporters, donors, volunteers and team when you want and where they are. Which is next to their phones. 


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